4 Benefits of Replacing Your Home’s Siding

Regular wear and tear affect a Connecticut home’s curb appeal in so many ways. So, if you’ve already invested in a roof replacement, upgraded your landscaping and added a few well-placed decorations to the front porch, consider replacing your home’s siding. Siding is the protective material attached to the exterior of your home. It comes in a wide range of matrials such as aluminum, wood panels, and vinyl, and when brand new, it’s quite beautiful. Conversely, it can drive down your home’s curb appeal when it suffers from the elements for too long.

Cracked Siding. MJT Roofing and Siding Installation in Willimantic.

Cracked Siding. MJT Roofing and Siding Installation in Willimantic.

Is your home’s siding showing these signs of wear and tear?

  • Cracks on the surface
  • Water stains
  • Rotting and peeling
  • Bubbling paint

Benefits of replacing your home’s siding:

  1. Improved appearance — New siding simply makes your home look brand new. And because siding comes in different materials and colors, you can give your home a unique appearance. Whether it is a Victorian reproduction, a New England saltbox or a modern beach house getaway, there are options that can make your home the envy of the neighborhood.
  2. Efficiency — When combined with quality insulation, new siding ensures your home stays warm during the winter and cool in the summer. It also keeps your heating and air conditioning system from working harder to compensate for the extreme temperature shifts. 
  3. Keep pests away — New siding is also another layer of protection from unwanted pests such as mice, squirrels, birds, etc. This is because the material new siding is made from is built to resist cracks and warping, ensuring that pests have no easy entry points to your home. 
  4. Increase in home value — Studies consistently show that new siding increases your home’s value and can be a key selling point if you plan to sell your home in the future.
Siding done by MJT Roofing in Willimantic, CT.

Call MJT Roofing for your new siding installation 

Whether you want to increase your home’s energy efficiency, improve its curb appeal, or upgrade to a more durable siding product, MJT Roofing is the number one siding installation expert. Our process ensures your siding looks great and performs well for years to come. 

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